
The Devil’s Trade dévoile le titre Clear Like The Wind

The Devil’s Trade dévoile le titre Clear Like The Wind. En effet, l’artiste dark folk The Devil’s Trade, continu la promotion de son nouvel album Vidékek vannak idebenn, en dévoilant le troisième extrait Clear Like The Wind, à découvrir ci-dessous.

L’album qui sortira le 14 juillet via Season Of Mist, peut être précommandé par ici.


Commentaire de l’artiste

Dávid Makó précise : « In the last three years, as most of us can likely relate, I experienced such lows where I found nothing but raw emptiness, the inability to create or to do anything other than just trying to exist. I started working on Clear Like The Wind during one of the short periods when I slowly got a little better and was able to find the need to grab the guitar and see what would happen. These moments were like a reset so it is not a surprise for me that this song reaches way back to the world of my first album « Those Miles We Walked Alone ».« 

Agenda MadBreizh

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